Chewing Gum Task Force

The Chewing Gum Task Force can provide grants for local authorities to tackle chewing gum littering. Speak to Eco Removal Systems today to find out how we can help clean your streets

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Do You Have Chewing Gum Litter Problems?

No matter how hard you try to tidy streets, pavements and other surfaces are often spoilt by discarded chewing gum that’s very difficult to remove. This creates an eyesore, especially as the gum darkens with dirt, and it can also stick to footwear and clothing, proving a menace for visitors and the general public.

The Gum Litter Taskforce

To remove chewing gum stains on high streets and public places, Keep Britain Tidy has put in place the Chewing Gum Task Force scheme, awarding a grant to councils across the UK.


Not only has The Chewing Gum Task Force approved forty-four grants totalling over £1.7million in the first year of the scheme, but they will invest up to £10 million over five years to help reduce chewing gum pollution to help tackle the ongoing problem of gum pollution. Find out more about this chewing gum litter campaign today.

Clean your streets in record time

By combining our specialist technology and the expertise of our dedicated engineers, our Chewing Gum Removal Machines guarantee the removal of any materials and substances that have become attached to the ground, seating and other surfaces in seconds.


Our EcoGum range can remove thousands of pieces of gum per day from Tarmac, Block Paving, Concrete, Natural Stone and many more, even entrance matting!


Specifically designed so that there’s no need for high-pressure hoses whilst eliminating unwanted spray into surrounding areas, Ecogum has a continuous operating cycle of 4-8 hours depending on the chosen unit. What’s more, it uses only eco-friendly detergents, meaning that the entire process is kind to the planet and has no negative effects on the environment.

  • No Water Spray – So there are no gallons of water everywhere!
  • No pressure washing – The discarded gum is vaporised, so the gum doesn’t get washed away into drains also causing no damage to any surface.
  • Completely silent – Cleaning can be carried out at any time day or night!
  • No need to barrier off areas! – The Ecogum is fully portable, housed in a self-contained backpack allowing our operator complete freedom of movement to remove discarded gum from any area. There is no trailing leads causing no danger or disruption to the public, making it suitable when working in both populated and busy areas.

Our Chewing Gum Littering Solutions

Ecogum Truck Ecogum E-MaxE Ecogum Maxi Ecogum Midi Ecogum Mini
Fully Battery, Self Contained, Litter and Gum Removal Truck Fully Battery, Self contained, Compact Backpack Electric + LPG, Self contained, Compact Backpack Electric + LPG, Self contained, Compact Backpack Electric + LPG, Self contained, Compact Backpack
Images EcoGumTruck EcoGum E-MaxE EcoGum Maxi EcoGum Midi EcoGum Mini
Removes Gum in: 3 to 5 Seconds 3 to 5 Seconds 3 to 5 Seconds 3 to 5 Seconds 3 to 5 Seconds
Removes Stickers: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Removes Graffiti: Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes*
Batteries 2 x Interchangable Lithium Ion (1 for gum removal and 1 for Truck) 2 x Interchangable Lithium-ion 1 x Fixed Lithium-ion 1 x Fixed Lithium-ion 1 x Fixed Lithium-ion
Runtime (Gum Removal) 3.5 hours per battery 80 mins per Battery 8 hours 8 hours 4 hours
Range Approx. 11km of range from fully electric Truck motor which pushes the Truck along with minimal effort for the operator - - - -
Warm-up Time 20 seconds 20 seconds 90 seconds 90 seconds 90 seconds
Charging 3.5 hours per battery 100 Mins to charge per battery Overnight Overnight Overnight
Weight (Fully Loaded) Approx. 60kg 7.5kg 9.5kg 7.5kg 7.5kg
Lance Weight 1.2kg 1.2kg 2.4kg 2.4kg 2.4kg
Exteriror Use (Tarmac, concrete, paving slabs, benches, bins etc.) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Internal Use (Entrance mats, carpets, internal wooden floors etc.) Yes Yes No** No** No**
Controls Full control panel for truck and gum remover Handheld Controller Handheld Controller Handheld Controller Handheld Controller
Case Durable Plastic Exterior Durable ABS Durable ABS Canvas Canvas
Internal Storage 2 x 90L Bins for waste and recycling. Compartment for litter picking equipment - - - -
Additional Equipment Included Litter picker grabber, broom and long handled dustpan and brush set - - - -
Prices £6,500 £3,499 £3,199 £2,699 £2,399
Consumables Mega Pack:
3 x 5L Detergent
3 x Stainless Brushes
2 x Nylon Brushes
Electric Service Pack:
4 x 2L Detergent
2 x Stainless Brushes
1 x Nylon Brush
Gas Service Pack:
4 x 2L Detergent
2 x LPG Canisters
2 x Stainless Brushes
Gas Service Pack:
4 x 2L Detergent
2 x LPG Canisters
2 x Stainless Brushes
Gas Service Pack:
4 x 2L Detergent
2 x LPG Canisters
2 x Stainless Brushes
Consumables Price £85 £46.99 £57.99 £57.99 £57.99
Approx. usage 13 hours 7 hours 7 hours 7 hours 7 hours
Cost per hour £6.54 £6.60 £8.25 £8.25 £8.25
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The Best Gum Removal Equipment

See how easy it is to remove chewing gum in just seconds.

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Chewing Gum Litter Facts

  • 87% of sites surveyed by Keep Britain Tidy are spoilt by discarded chewing gum

  • 80-90% of chewing gums are not disposed of in litter receptacles

  • 2nd most common form of litter in the world after cigarette butts

  • £150 is fined to offenders littering on-the-spot

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To find out more about our innovative products and services, get in touch today on 0121 565 3087 for office enquiries or 0121 558 1550 for sales enquiries. Alternatively,  visit our contact page.